Monday, May 13, 2013

A Difficult Weight Watchers Day

“A person who doubts himself is like a man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. He makes his failure certain by himself being the first person to be convinced of it.”
Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870);
Writer, Author

So, Sunday was a bit of a difficult day.  It was my first day where I didn't plan my meals before the day began.  It was Mother's Day, and I wanted to take my wife out for a nice lunch, so we went to Carrabba's.  I, without thinking, ordered the fried calamari for us to share.  After that I had their lentil soup, followed by a lunch portion of the Chicken Bryan (one of my favorite dishes anywhere).  As I was putting my meal into my mobile app., I said to myself and to my wife, "Wow, there go all of my points for today." I know you must think I was joking, but sadly I was not.  Half of the calamari was 16 points, which is usually all I use for a meal, maybe a few more.  I only had 8 points left after lunch.  Not much to make a meal out of.  Unfortunately, I continued my splurging and ended up using 14 of my weekly extra points, which I try not to use.  Alas, the damage was done.  I "fell off the wagon" for a brief moment.

I will share a bit of good news as well.  I had a Dr. appt. on Tuesday.  Did some blood work, and my Cholesterol is so close to being right where I want it to be.  Quite a different story from a year and a half ago.  I was having what the Dr. referred to as an "atrocious" LDL level.  Now it's only a few points above normal.  My liver function is good, which it wasn't last time, and he said all was looking really good. YAY for me.  Weight Watchers is really making a difference in my life and I am so glad that I decided to jump in and change my life for the better.  I am still feeling great, and I can't wait to see how things change for me this summer.

I am super busy this week.  The King and I, which I am Music Directing, runs this weekend; I am preparing for my trip to England with the Myers Park UMC choir, which we leave on May 23; and spending so much missed time with my girls.  I love that part about the summer.

Anyway, here's to soldiering on.  I got right back on track today.  No overage.  Onward and Upward (or downward for my weight) :-).

Stay tuned.  More to come.


  1. Great news about your doctor's visit. Glad to hear that. Gives some motivation to keep soldiering on as you say, when you see those kinds of benefits.

  2. great news on the apt! everyone falls off once in a while. That's why we are human =)I always "penalize" myself with a workout when I do stuff like that. Maybe that's something you could add on! when you exceed your points, go for a walk. you are doing great!
